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#Spray123: 1995 Mitsubishi Fuso 10 Ft. Spray Truck - $8,999 - (Kent, WA)

#Spray123: This Non-CDL 1995 Mitsubishi Fuso 10 ft. flatbed truck with spray unit includes a 4 cyl. Diesel tilt/cabover engine, spring suspension, automatic transmission, 11,000 lb. GVWR, 25 gallon fuel tank, 84 in. cab/rear axle, crossover tool box, and AM/FM radio. The spray unit includes a Honda 5.5 gas power engine and hose reels. Asking $8,999. Trades, terms, bank loans and business lease-to-own in all 50 U.S. States OAC.TOWN AND COUNTRY TRUCK SALES, KENT (SEATTLE), WA.  Email:  For full specs, multiple photos and a video of this truck, please click the following link:

#Spray123: 1995 Mitsubishi Fuso 10 Ft. Spray Truck
#Spray123: 1995 Mitsubishi Fuso 10 Ft. Spray Truck
#Spray123: 1995 Mitsubishi Fuso 10 Ft. Spray Truck
#Spray123: 1995 Mitsubishi Fuso 10 Ft. Spray Truck
#Spray123: 1995 Mitsubishi Fuso 10 Ft. Spray Truck


Posted in Kent, WA, Free Stuff
From Classified Ads - 1 month ago