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Rare Modern Toy Masudaya SONIC ROBOT Train Gang of Five Space Toy Japan 15-5/8" - $7,000 - (Clearwater, FL)

Considered to be one of the "holy grails" of robot collecting, this is the ultra-scarce Modern Toys/Masudaya tin Giant Sonic Robot (aka "Train" robot), manufactured in Japan in the late 1950s and very early 1960s. It is believed to be the last member of the so-called "Gang of Five," a set of skirted battery-op robots that included Sonic, along with Radicon, Target, Non-Stop and Machine Man. These robots command the top spots in the pantheon of robot collecting, and prices as high as $42,500 have been paid for them individually at auction in recent years.The robot stands an impressive 15 inches high, and is complete and all-original. There are a few light scratches and shallow dings -- nothing notable -- as well as a slightly pushed-in head, which can be pushed out easily. None of the dings have crimped or permanently damaged the surface. The battery compartment is clean and corrosion-free. The colors are vibrant! Best of all, it runs! I tested with 3 size D batteries and the toy lit up, moved in a "mystery action" fashion, and had a loud train whistle. This robot is absolutely guaranteed, without reservation, to be 100% authentic and vintage in every way! Measurements: 6 1/4" long, 15 3/8" high, 8" wide. Our High Resolution photographs are provided for your detailed inspection of the item. Please feel free to E-Mail with any questions you may have. International buyers must request shipping costs. Thank you for viewing! The following article can be found in the book Vintage Toys; Robots and Space Toys concerning Sonic Robot: "Giant Sonic Robot, better known as Train Robot, is one of Masudaya's famed 'Gang of Five' large skirted robots. They're a 'gang' because they share body and arm stampings, as well as drive mechanisms, but each is unique in its own, ultra-collectible way. This example is called 'Train Robot' by space-toy enthusiasts because the 15-inch automaton emits a loud 'wooooo' (as the package describes) during mystery-action operation. Knowledgeable to…

Rare Modern Toy Masudaya SONIC ROBOT Train Gang of Five Space Toy Japan 15-5/8


Posted in Clearwater, FL, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago