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Similac Alimentum Infant Formula Total Of 27 Cans 16oz And 12oz Cans - $500 - (Arlington, MA)

27 total cans of Similac Alimentum Hypoallergenic Baby Formula24 cans are 12.1-oz, all with an expiration date of May 20193 cans are 16-oz, two with an expiration date of June 2018 and one with an expiration date of February 2019All cans are unopened and come from a smoke free home. This baby formula is not expired – the expiration date is 05/01/2019, 06/01/2018, 02/01/2019It's against eBay policy to sell expired baby formula.

Similac Alimentum Infant Formula Total Of 27 Cans 16oz And 12oz Cans


Posted in Arlington, MA, Baby & Kids Stuff
From - 1 month ago