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Comb Honey Super Kit" fits standard 10 frame - chunk honey beekeeping shallow - $90 - (Mears, MI)

Making comb honey has never been so easy! Our assembled 10 Frame Comb Honey Kit comes with 26 assembled frames. All you need to do is insert the sheets of thin surplus beeswax foundation (not included) and secure with melted beeswax. Place on hive at the beginning of your major honey flow. Ask a local bee keeper when yours is. Replace full frames with new frames as needed. To remove comb from frames simply cut around frame with a share knife. Then cut in half for cut comb or in thirds for chunk honey. Included: Shallow cut comb box 26 frames 2 oz beeswax

Comb Honey Super Kit


Posted in Mears, MI, Farm & Garden
From ebay.com - 1 month ago