Koehn Drive-Thru Electric Adjustable 13 to 19 Feet Gate - $129 - (Hayward, WI)
Koehn Drive-Thru Electric Adjustable 13 to 19 Feet Gate. Bought it new and took it out of the box put it together and installed it used it for a couple days . Wife decided it was not what she wanted. So it is like new. Includes directions and everything that came with it. Simply drive thru with any equipment, tractor, feed wagons, round-bale feeders, pick-ups etc... safely without electrical shock to the operator. Spring loaded gate swings closed automatically. Adjustable 13 ft. to 19 ft. Protects the finish of the farm vehicles as the metal never touches the vehicle. Holds cattle, hogs, sheep and horses like an electric fence. The Drive-Thru Gate is energized with any common electric, battery or solar fencer or electric fence. The fiberglass polyethylene arms support the electrical yellow coated streamers that hang down giving a harmless shock when the animal touches them. They will respect the gate. Flexible polyethylene arms break away if they should become caught on a tractor or vehicle. Manufactured and sold by Koehn for over 50 years. Simple and easy to install. Insulators already on gate; four nails install each side. 30 ft. underground cable standard. Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago