HUGE BJD LOT (U-noa Zero, Supia Lina, Supia Juah, Lati Sunny, SOOM Nappy Choo) - $1,200 - (Buies Creek, NC)
Hello! Listed for sale are FIVE BJDS. 1.1/3 Supia Lina (In tan skin, custom face-up)2. 1/3 Supia Juah (In normal skin, custom face-up)3. 1/3 U-noa Zero (With open eyes face, pale skin, and custom face-up)4. 1/6 Lati Sunny (With normal skin, custom face-up)5. 1/6 SOOM Nappy Choo (With boy body, normal skin, custom faceup) These are RECAST dolls and they have custom face-ups, meaning a special look as opposed to their looks on the main website. They are beautifully and professionally made and we can discuss the pricing a little. I have a ton of bjd clothes and furniture etc as well if you are interested. Including a decked out bed a dresser and more... Even a Christmas tree! (None of those extras will be included only if you message me about it) They will each come with a bjd carrying case and nicely wrapped as well as the extras in the photos. If you are seriously interested in them, please email me for more in depth photos.

From - 1 month ago