OGDEN COMMUNITY JOB FAIR - Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - N.A. - (Ogden, UT)
Meet with over 60 top hiring companies and get a job you love at the OGDEN COMMUNITY JOB FAIR - Tuesday, March 21, 2017 *A free event for all job seekers and all are welcome! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! OGDEN COMMUNITY JOB FAIR on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 from 1pm - 4pm at HUB 801 in Ogden, UT. 60+ employers with hundreds of local job opportunities Employment networking Awesome Grand Prize Giveaways (Drone Quadcopter, Amazon Fire Tablet, Waterproof Sports Action Camera, Portable Bluetooth speaker, and much more) **Prize Drawings at 1:30pm & 3:30pm. You must be in attendance to win! JOB SEEKER PRE-REGISTRATION *Skip the day of registration lines and preregister to attend by clicking the link above or pasting http://www.compasscareerfairs.com/job-seeker-registration in your browser. Pre-registration is not required to attend. Location: HUB 801 3525 Riverdale Road. Ogden, UT 84405 Event Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 Time: 11:30 am – 4:00 pm (job fair runs from 1pm – 4pm) **Pre-register to attend for a list of attending employers, networking tips & tricks and more details to better prepare you for a great job networking day. You do not have to pre-register to attend & can register at the door the day of the event. *all information you provide is kept private and only used to provide you event details. Pre-register to attend, dress to impress, bring plenty of resumes & tell all your friends. Compass Career Fairs LLC. www.compasscareerfairs.com | support@compasscareerfairs.com Like us on Facebook

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