KilnMinder Kiln Controller - $350 - (Sussex, WI)
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Posted 1 month ago
Precisely control your oven with 10 customizable heating programs.Program from one to seven stages including ramp time, dwell time anddwell temperature- even a safety cutout temperature. stored in non-volatile memory, heating programs can resume even after a four- hour power outage! Adjusts dwell time in 10-minute increments up to 42 hours. Adjusts ramp temperature in 10-degree increments from 100F to 2,450F. Handles loads up to a single-phase, 20-amp maximum. Type-N or type-K thermocouple. Serial communications option.Made in the USAThe price for the new one is $555.00 The controller is in perfect working condition.

From - 1 month ago