Developmental Speech Disorders CD-ROM, Barbara L. Davis & Lisa M. Bedore NEW - $95 - (Metropolis, IL)
Developmental Speech Disorders CD-ROMby Barbara L. Davis & Lisa M. BedorePlural PublishingISBN: 978-1-59756-229-4 New Disc still sealed in cellophane, but there is a crack in the plastic case. "...CD-ROM that has been designed as a flexible resource for classroom and clinical use. Using an intuitive navigation chart, the CD-ROM demonstrates typical speech development beginning at the early stages of vocal development in infancy and continuing through age four. These clips can be compared with video clips of clients with mildly disordered, moderately disordered and severely disordered speech development in the following age categories: 1-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-8 years, and 8+ years of age. Each video clip is accompanied by written descriptions of a brief case history, diagnosis, and other relevant information. There is also an assessment practice section that allows viewers to assess various video clips of clients according to severity." I will ship promptly via USPS First Class Mail.Thank you!
From - 1 month ago