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VTG Primitive Antique COPPER Handled Boiler TUB Ice Cooler Fireplace Bucket - $100 - (White Hall, IL)

Antique Copper Boiler Wash Canning Fireplace Tub Planter With Wood Handles Looks great by the fireplace in the winter for holding starter wood Country Decor ! 23" Long without handles28" Long with handles14 " High 12" Wide Does a very few very tiny pin holes, one at the bottom and a couple along the walls,the one on the bottom is the biggest.but they are there, please look at all pics to determine condition.Thanks for taking a look!

VTG Primitive Antique COPPER Handled Boiler TUB  Ice Cooler Fireplace Bucket


Posted in White Hall, IL, Antiques
From - 1 month ago