Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge ICOM IC-M422 FIXED MOUNT WHITE VHF MARINE RADIO TRANSCEIVER FOR BOAT/YACHT/SHIPS Thanks for Looking at another one of our Ebay Auctions. Before Placing your bid please take time to Read the description and Auction Terms Carefully Product Description ICOM IC-M422 FIXED MOUNT VHF MARINE TRANSCEIVER: BOAT/YACHT RADIO (WHITE) This Icom radio is factory refurbished. It may show slight signs of wear and tear. The owner's manual may or may not be included but, if not, it is free to download from Icom's website. There may be marks/tape/tags along the outside of the box. Includes a 90-day warranty provided by Icom. Compliant to new FCC Class D DSC Regulations Escalating DSC AlarmAn on/off switch for the radio to automatically switch to channel 16 when a DSC call is made2 receivers, one for the radio and one to monitor channel 70 for DSC full time Built-in DSC meets RTCM SC-101 Built-in DSC watch function monitors Ch 70 (DSC channel) activity, even while you are on another channel. In an emergency situation, a formatted distress call can be sent at the touch of a button. Digital Selective Calling Features DSC uses a unique ID (MMSI code) similar to a telephone number, allowing you to make contact with a specific boater or group of boaters in your area. A total of 100 address IDs can be stored with a 5-character name. Position Request and Position Report with External GPS Receiver With an external GPS receiver, the position request and position report functions allow you to exchange ships position. The received position information can be plotted on a third party GPS or other navigation equipment which accepts NMEA data format. The polling (request/reply) function checks whether a specific ship is in the communication range. New public address (PA) and RX speaker functions Use the hand microphone as part of a public address system and make an announcement on-board or to shore through an external loud speake

From ebay.com - 1 month ago