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1840 Sioux Indian Dag Knife Jukes Coulson Blade Heart Shaped Handle Paddle Style - $640 - (Jonesborough, TN)

Original old forged iron trade dag knife made by Jukes Coulson and traded by the HBC. Traded to the Indians for their furs. A good patina on the surface. Forged out blade is made from a file. The handle is ash wood and is a paddle style handle with a heart variation near the blade, very rare! Passed down through the family to me from my grandfathers estate. There is an age crack near the iron pins but the knife is solid! If you have any questions please email me.

1840 Sioux Indian Dag Knife Jukes Coulson Blade Heart Shaped Handle Paddle Style


Posted in Jonesborough, TN, Antiques
From ebay.com - 1 month ago