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17 Bates Caprilli Close Contact Saddle Adjustable Gullet Extended Flap - $1,000 - (Sauk City, WI)

1000 barely-used trade-in SKU ST0013 MANUFACTURING EIP1308347-45E Seat Size 17-inch Tree Size adjustable gullet Flap Length 15-inch extended flap Panel Length 19-inch Color chestnut Weight 13lbs Description medium-deep padded seat knee pads adjustable knee blocks and CAIR panels for comfort and stability and EZ-Change gullet system currently has black/medium plate Condition almost like-new--was ridden in only a few times and is very clean and supple with tiny wear spots underneath the leathers and a couple very small marks Comes with Bates saddle cover no fittings Please call today at 608-643-XXXX or email for more information or images. We offer the unique opportunity to take saddles out on 7-day test fits sorry no shipped/long-distance test fits on most consignment saddles and have several saddle fitters available by appointment. Established in 1989 by Sandy Lochner the Cayuse Shop is a local family owned and operated equestrian business in Sauk City WI.


Posted in Sauk City, WI, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago