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2000 Vac-Tron PMD-800 SDT Diesel Vactron Trailer Vacuum Hydro Excavator Pot Hole - $12,500 - (Winamac, IN)

2000 Vac-Tron PMD-800 SDT. 800 gal. spoil tank, 225 gal. fresh water tank. Only 781 Hours, Kubota V2203-E Diesel engine on the American Manufacturing 5009-21X2-7907 vacuum and Annovi Reverberi XRCA 4G40 4000 PSI pressure washer, hydraulic dump, Dual wheel tandem axle, pintle hitch. Tires are all in good condition with 80% tread or more. Electric brakes work. Pintle hitch. RUNS AND WORKS GREAT! GOOD MACHINE THAT IS READY TO GO TO WORK. Clear Indiana Title. PICK UP IS IN WINAMAC, INDIANA WHICH IS APPROX 1 1/2 HOURS NORTH OF INDIANAPOLIS. CALL ME AT 219-863-4414 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. THANKS! Powered by eBay Turbo ListerThe free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.

2000 Vac-Tron PMD-800 SDT Diesel Vactron Trailer Vacuum Hydro Excavator Pot Hole


Posted in Winamac, IN, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago