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Prime Image Pipeline III Censor Profanity Delay HD-SDI Audio Video 3 - $3,750 - (Peoria, IL)

We are selling this Prime Image Pipeline III censor delay. We used it for live sports broadcasts to censor profanity and visual obscenities during basketball and football broadcasts. If you have any questions about its functionality, please let us know! Prime Image's Pipeline III provides an audio/video delay solution for HD or SD signals for the purpose of ensuring that live programming meets FCC regulations regarding profanity content suppression. The Pipeline III has been successfully used world-wide by major broadcast and cable networks, local stations, and stadiums. The Pipeline III provides variable delay of high definition and standard definition signals at the main SDI input. The delay is adjustable in video frame increments of up to 6.25 seconds at 1080i resolution, and 30.5 seconds in standard definition.All vertical ancillary data (VANC), including Closed Captions (CEA-608/708), are delayed equal to the video signal.All 16 embedded audio channels are de-embedded and processed independent of the video. Four AES audio inputs are also processed separately for a total of 20 channels. The audio delay automatically follows the video delay and may be offset by up to +/-500ms to allow for lip-sync correction. Controls are provided to eliminate objectionable material by individually switching the video and each audio channel to alternate “safe” signals. The video may be switched to an auxiliary input (Aux SDI), one of four captured still images, a freeze frame, a test pattern, or black. Each audio channel may be individually configured to switch to an auxiliary input (Aux SDI or Aux AES), another delayed audio channel, one of four tone generators, or mute.Switching is performed via 2 GPI control inputs. Each switch may be configured to control video, or audio, or both. These same switches may also be set to switch instantly when the GPI is engaged, or wait and follow the video delay with a programmable reaction time. The delayed configuration allows the use…

Prime Image Pipeline III Censor Profanity Delay HD-SDI Audio Video 3


Posted in Peoria, IL, Photo & Video
From ebay.com - 1 month ago