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AQUAMAN vol 1: THE TRENCH Johns/Reis/Prado DC Comics The New 52! 1st ed HC fine - $23 - (Chickasha, OK)

AQUAMAN volume 1: THE TRENCH written by Geoff Johns & illustrated by Ivan Reis & Joe Prado. DC Comics, The New 52!. New York, NY; DC Comics; 2012. 1st edition hardcover. ISSUED AT $22.99. SYNOPSIS: A #1 New York Times Best Seller! The King of the Seven Seas Aquaman returns to his very own ongoing series for the first time in years at the hands of DC Entertainment Chief Creative Office Geoff Johns, who reteams with GREEN LANTERN collaborator artist Ivan Reis! Between proving himself to a world that sees him as a joke, Aquaman and his bride Mera face off against a long buried terror from the depths of the ocean!, Originally published in single magazine form in AQUAMAN 1-6., The King of the Seven Seas Aquaman returns to his very own ongoing series for the first time in years at the hands of DC Entertainment Chief Creative Office Geoff Johns, who reteams with GREEN LANTERN collaborator artist Ivan Reis! Between proving himself to a world that sees him as a joke, Aquaman and his bride Mera face off against a long buried terror from the depths of the ocean!, The first collection of the new AQUAMAN series! 'e¢ The superstar creators from BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite to take AQUAMAN to amazing new depths! 'e¢ AQUAMAN has renounced the throne of Atlantis 'e" but now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean em, The first collection of the new AQUAMAN series! * The superstar creators from BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite to take AQUAMAN to amazing new depths! * AQUAMAN has renounced the throne of Atlantis - but now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean em, The first collection of the new AQUAMAN series! - The superstar creators from BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite to take AQUAMAN to amazing new depths! - AQUAMAN has renounced the throne of Atlantis - but now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean em Fine in fine dj. Buyer pays $4.00 Media Mail or $11.90 Priority Mail domestic shipping. Foreign rates figured individually. PLEASE NOTE: for most fore…

AQUAMAN vol 1: THE TRENCH Johns/Reis/Prado DC Comics The New 52! 1st ed HC fine


Posted in Chickasha, OK, Books
From - 1 month ago