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Antique Small size cutting board butcher block 15 x 15-----15380 - $495 - (Pierceton, IN)

This is a pretty neat early wooden butcher block. A small size which I guess I'll call a tabletop style or countertop style. I had one similar several years ago and it was marked on the bottom 'Made in France". This one is not marked but I believe also made in France. Regardless it is a neat size at 15.5 inches square and 5 inches tall. Iron bands on all four corners and sturdy. Would make a great cutting type board on a kitchen counter top or island. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Either email us or your are welcome to call at our store on Friday, or Saturday at 574-594-9100. We will help arrange shipping for you; our experience with large or small has been excellent. We do offer an easy layaway program. Usually just 20% down with the remaining term somewhat negotiable---we try to be very flexible on this. Just email to discuss layaway terms. We guarantee everything we sell to be authentic - no exceptions. We have been in business over 30 years and our reputation is without flaw. Contact us for further information about our store and our online catalog which has photos of all of our current inventory. We normally have additional photos in our catalog. Thanks for looking!

Antique Small size cutting board butcher block 15 x 15-----15380


Posted in Pierceton, IN, Furniture
From - 1 month ago