Vampire V600 V2 FPGA Accelerator for Amiga A600 - $499 - (Earlham, IA)
For sale is my spare Vampire 2 for the Amiga 600. Vampire V600 V2 Features: 128MB Fastmem RAM Digital Video Output (HDMI) SD card for HDD storage Updatable directly from Amiga OS, no need for external programmer New cores are being developed to support FPU and 16bit Audio Easy fitting over original CPU, with mounting system included Make sure your Amiga A600 is re-capped and in good condition before using this accelerator. Here is a video of it running. Nothing else in the video is included in this sale. Just the accelerator card. Being the card is an electronic device and does take some skill to install on your computer. There is no warranty or return of this card. Buyer must know what they are doing for installing. This video is to show that is does work. Thanks for looking

From - 1 month ago