Rare Vintage Computer Commodore SX-64 Executive - $480 - (Bromont, QC)
It's one of the most sought-after items among collectors of vintage home and game computersthe Commodore SX-64, the most popular home computer ever,in a portable shape, including built-in colour screen. And it is a rare item.Of the common Commodore 64 more then 20 million units were sold, but the SX-64didn't pass the 9000.Although at first sight it are two totally different computers, the SX-64 performed exactlythe same as the C64. The metal case of the SX-64 contained with a few exceptions the same parts.Even all C64-cartridges could be used, by means of a gap in the top of the SX-64. Commodore SX-64 "ExecutiveManufacturerCommodoreIntroduced:January 1983Released:January 1984CPUMOS 6510Frequency1 MHzROM20 KB (8 for Basic V2.0, 8 for Kernal and 4 for character set)RAM64 KB (38KB available under Basic)Display:built-in 5" color screenText mode40 x 24Graphical modeVic-II 6569 chipresolutions 320x200 of 160x200Colours16Sound6581 Sid chip with 3 channelsbuilt-in speakerI/Ouser port, cartridge slot, 2 joystick ports, monitor, serial portPorts:S-video, composite videoStorage:internal 170K floppy driveOS:Commodore BASIC in ROMPriceApprox. 1000 dollar (May 1983)Weight:23 pounds

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