Historic Ships Bell - $1,250 - (Warsaw, NY)
Historic ships bell from The SS Granwood, a coastal steamer with a rich history. Built in South Shields England by John Redhead & Sons for France Fenwick Co. to haul coal from Northeast England to London power stations, it weighed 8182 tons and later shipped paper, coal and other war supplies from Canada to the United Kingdom in Convoys. In 1968 it was damaged by a limpet mine off Florida during the Cuban Missile Crisis and had damage to the engine room but remained in service. The Granwood was renamed several times as it was sold to various shipping companies and was eventually scrapped in Chittagong in 1987 The Bell itself is brass and in wonderful condition. it is 81/2 ins high and 73/4 ins in diameter. It does not have a clanger.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago