Photoastronomy Capable Celestron C8N Reflector Telescope - $459 - (Fountain Hills, AZ)
This Telescope is in Palompon, Leyte, Philippines. Shipping to anywhere in the Philippines is free. Celestron C8N - This is an 8" f/5 Newtonian with a great reputation. Phil Harrington estimated the one he tested at 1/10 wave, and it delivers beautiful views. It has been modified by having a Moonlite Low Profile Crayford Focuser which allows a Canon DSLR to come to infinity focus with room to spare. This is a more robust design than the standard Crayford. I was not able to use Live View to focus more precisely because of the daylight, but the cell tower in the photo shown is over a mile away. The OTA has a few scratches and scuffs, I have used it on my Famous Office Chair Mount (handy for disabled observers to pull out of the garage to use, and goes to Zenith easily.) It also has spent time on the LXD55 with the cutdown 2X3 legs - I cannot observe standing, this makes it convenient.

From - 1 month ago