9 1/2lbs FRESH ACORNS NUTS REAL RED OAK no caps CRAFTS DEER & SQUIRREL Food - $12 - (Schulenburg, TX)
It's 9 1/2 lbs fresh red oak acorns (see photo's for the size), generally, they will range in size from 14/16th of an inch (the smaller one), to over an inch (see the larger one) and I got a question,...some of the ones you will get come from a tree i have a tree that has acorns the same size and shape as these, but they are like an off-white color, and slick as glass. Send me a message if you know what they are. Now that photo i have here on THIS listing LOOKS like it is off-white, but that has more to do with that fine film of whatever that coats some of these acorns, and less to do with it's actual color. Prior to "boxing up", i cull out any that are damaged or have pin-holes, SO, if you purchase Friday after 1:00pm, they probably won't ship till the next day the post office is opened, cause i do not "box up" until a lot is sold.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago