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Remington RM2510 Rustler 25cc 2-Cycle 16-Inch Curved Shaft Gas Trimmer - $108 - (Dublin, TX)

Product Description:The lightweight Remington RM2510 Rustler trimmer has a 25cc 2-cycle engine with QuickStart technology, which reduces the effort it takes to pull start the engine. The ergonomic curved shaft design makes it easy to trim small to medium yards with less fatigue. The 16-inch cutting swath and dual line bump head make it easy to trim a wide area of grass without stopping to refill trimmer line. Replace trimmer line with ease by tapping the cutting head on the ground while operating. Backed by a 2-year limited warranty.What's in the box?RM2510 Curved Shaft Trimmer.2-cycle oil.Operator's manual. Remington RM2510 Rustler 25cc 2-Cycle 17-Inch Curved Shaft Gas Trimmer View largerView larger25cc 2-cycle gas-powered engine.QuickStart Technology.Balanced curved shaft design makes cutting comfortable.Dual line bump head with .095" line.16-inch cutting swath trims wider sections in less time.Ultra lightweight design.Ideal for small to medium sized yards.Backed by a 2-year limited warranty.RM2510 Rustler 25cc 2-cycle 16-inch Curved Shaft Gas TrimmerProduct Description:The lightweight Remington RM2510 Rustler trimmer has a 25cc 2-cycle engine with QuickStart technology, which reduces the effort it takes to pull start the engine. The ergonomic curved shaft design makes it easy to trim small to medium yards with less fatigue. The 16-inch cutting swath and dual line bump head make it easy to trim a wide area of grass without stopping to refill trimmer line. Replace trimmer line with ease by tapping the cutting head on the ground while operating. Backed by a 2-year limited warranty.What's in the box?RM2510 Curved Shaft Trimmer.2-cycle oil.Operator's manual.View largerView largerView largerView largerDual Line Bump HeadNow extending new trimmer line is as easy as bumping the trimmer head on the ground. Simply squeeze the trigger and bump the head on the ground to extend new trimmer line.Reliable 25cc 2-cycle EngineThe 25cc 2-cycle engine is compact and powerful. It…

Remington RM2510 Rustler 25cc 2-Cycle 16-Inch Curved Shaft Gas Trimmer


Posted in Dublin, TX, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago