Modern Aviation Engines Vol 1 & 2 by Victor Page' 1929 2 volume set - $147 - (Sequim, WA)
This book on "Modern" aviations was modern in 1929. 1929 was a year of the most fatal civilian flights in US history. Pan American airways inaugurated their first flight and this bible for the new breed of aviation mechanic was printed. The book is alive with pics from that era of the engines that powered the biplanes and monoplanes that drew young men and womens attention to the skies.This book is a treasure for that aviation collector to add to his collection and the perfect gift for a present day aviation mechanic or pilot. There are no torn pages and this must have been in a study rather than a shop because the pages though yellowed from age are clean. This was published in 1929 by the Norman W. Henley publishing company in New York The author was Victor William Page' 1885-1947 From the intro: Modern aviation engines; design--construction--operation and repair, a complete, practical treatise outlining clearly the elements of internal combustion engineering, with special reference to the design, construction, operation and repair of airplane powerplants; also the auxiliary engine systems, such as lubrication, carburetion, ignition and cooling; it includes complete instructions for engine repairing and systematic location of troubles, tool equipment and use of tools, also outlines the latest mechanical processes .. 1908 pages plus indexes and extra This will be carefully packaged and shipped media mail. Thanks for looking.

From - 1 month ago