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U.S. Zone Germany Schuco Charly 1005 Motorcycle - Wind-up - Key - Works!!!! - $285 - (Clarksville, VA)

Here is a special vintage Schuco toy made in U.S. Zone Germany - 1952 - that you will want in your collection! You may see more current versions of this toy (reproductions made in China) so please know this is the original Charly #1005 wind-up motorcycle with rider!! The condition is good played with condition with much of the original color retained. The rider wears a light brown suit and a helmet. The helmet reads "Charly" on one side and "Schuco" on the other. The motorcycle itself has wonderful lithography and terrific detail throughout. The front tire reads "Schuco-Cord." On the bottom it reads "Brevette France S.G.DG. Schuco Charly 1005 Patents Appld. for in U.S.A, Canada, England, Germany, Schweiz Italia Belgique, Div. G.M. Int. Reg. Made in U.S. Zone Germany". This toy has a very strong motor which operates with a wind-up key (included). This key is not original but it fits fine. You wind up the toy, then push the switch up to operate. The toy will motor around in a circle until it winds down. It is always so important to own a vintage toy that does all that it is supposed to do!! The toy measures 5 inches long. Please look at all the photos carefully to assess condition. Careful insured shipping for this item is $9.50 (within continental USA - no APO addresses please). We exclusively use Ebay Global Shipping for all international sales.

U.S. Zone Germany Schuco Charly 1005 Motorcycle - Wind-up - Key - Works!!!!


Posted in Clarksville, VA, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago