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Estate Sale Fri-Sun Mar 3-5 Nederland, by Sisters Barn - N.A. - (Sour Lake, TX)

9am - 3pm 2103 Ave M, Nederland. Nice home full of furniture, major appliances, kitchen items, and garage stuff. Queen bed and double bed, both nice. Whirlpool side-by-side refrig, Whirlpool Cabrio washer and dryer, chests, bookcases, sofa w/ recliners, curio cabinet, countertop appliances, kitchen, some clothes, tools and gardening, rocking patio chairs, garden cart, Perko marine searchlight, storage tubs, household supplies and lots more. see our website, and then see Doreen & Rusty


Posted in Sour Lake, TX, Garage Sale
From SoutheastTexas - 1 month ago