B.C. Rich Handmade in U.S.A KKV Kerry King V - $3,400 - (Loganville, GA)
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Posted 1 month ago
This is a clean 1998 B.C Rich U.S.A handmade guitar. Built in 1998 this is one of the very first Kerry King exact signature guitar custom ordered. The guitar is in excellent condition with only minor dings on the V tips and 1 small chip on the widow headstock. This is not a cheap or even a high end import. This is the real deal, the exact same guitar Kerry King has played since the late 90s. Hand built by the same luthiers. These retailed for $6,000+ back in 1998! Frets show little wear and electronics and tremelo work properly. Kahler does shows some finish wear from resting a hand on it while playing. Comes in a custom case.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago