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Larsen - $2,000 - (Sandstone, MN)

"Luna" (Daughter of Bethany and "CH Jake") and International Champion "Kieran" welcomed their litter of ALL ENGLISH black and yellow pups on January 20th, so they will be ready for their new homes on March 17th. Luna is solid black, and has a soft medium-lengthed coat. She's very mellow and gentle, and excellent with our kids. She loves to play fetch or lay in your lap. International Champion "Kieran" comes from a superior show bloodline! His father is an AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Grand-Champion from Endless Mountain Labradors. Kieran was born to show, and proved to do very well in the rings. He won Best of Breed at his 1st two shows, and made us very proud. He's really mellow, but loves to fetch and can run faster than any of our other dogs. (He's very strong!) He has a perfect English build- good blocky head with short ears, straight top-line, and strong stocky build. Everyone is blown away by these 2 dogs, and we know their pups will impress everyone!! These pups will come with Limited Certification only.


Posted in Sandstone, MN, Animal and Pets
From PuppyFind - 1 month ago