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Huge Personality:Registered Horse for breeding, driving or riding - $2,500 - (Genoa, NY)

Vanna is broke to drive and had a successful career as a junior park harness horse before beginning her stellar breeding career. She is prepared to re enter the arena as classic or pleasure horse. She has produced 7 amazing foals, all of them a winner in top competitions. Her 1st foal CBMF Off the Charts was the 2014 World Champion Jr. Exhibitor English Pleasure thirteen & up, and was reserve world champion in walk/trot. Ledyard's Barolo was Reserve Champion Futurity Weanling, earning the title two years in a row. Ledyard's Top Man was successful in the Junior Classic Pleasure Division, earning top ribbon in New York, New England and Syracuse. Vanna still has plenty of time to produce additional champion foals. Vanna had her last foal in 2013, and has not had any while at our home. She has also been broke to ride. Vanna is not a nice horse for a beginner ride, would be very successful for any other adventure. Vanna has a huge personality, and really enjoys them company of other horses and people.


Posted in Genoa, NY, Animal and Pets
From equine - 1 month ago