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Adopt Teddy a White Boxer / Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed dog in Union City - N.A. - (Union City, TN)

TEDDY is a 4 yr old Boxer/Bully mixture male who was living life on a chain, neglected and abandoned. The rescue was contacted to help because Teddy was emaciated and in need of medical care and his owner was no longer there. He was rescued and has been off the chain and in a safe, loving foster home ever since. He was only 44lbs when rescued but he has regained weight and is receiving the care and treatment needed to get back to being a healthy dog, ready to find a new home. He tested positive for heart worm and had to regain weight before he would be strong enough to receive the treatment that will rid him of heart worm. He has been vaccinated, neutered, and micro chipped. If you live in another state, don't let that stand in your way. We will work to transport Teddy if it means he will have a nice forever home. If you are another rescue group, we will waive the adoption charge but you can make a donation toward vetting at your discretion.

Adopt Teddy a White Boxer / Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed dog in Union City


Posted in Union City, TN, Animal and Pets
From Adopt-a-Pet.com - 1 month ago