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IN-SINK-ERATOR SS200-35 Garbage Disposal 2 HP 208-230/460 V - $1,299 - (Rockford, IL)

Welcome To Warehouse Distribution Services! IN-SINK-ERATOR SS200-35 Garbage Disposal 2 HP 208-230/460 V Hello and thank you for checking out WDS! Please be sure to read the entirety of the description, as we deal mostly in scratch and dent items, it is in your interest that you read all of item description as to not order something that does not suit your needs. The items we receive often come in opened, ripped, or with no packaging. Additionally, we almost always list our items as "New-Other" because to our knowledge the items we receive have not yet been used, but rather they are imperfect in someway. We do our best to provide the best customer support, so please contact us with any questions concerning the item prior to purchase. Please use the pictures provided for any concerns regarding quality or condition, if the pictures do not satisfy your concerns, please, again, do not hesitate to contact us! Description We are offering a IN-SINK-ERATOR SS200-35 Garbage Disposal 2 HP 208-230/460 V. This item is listed as New-Other because it comes from an opened package. The item itself is in brand new condition and has never been used. We realize that the item is less than perfect due to the opened packaging, therefore, we have adjusted the price accordingly. What you see in the pictures is exactly what will arrive at your door. We appreciate your interest and guarantee your satisfaction!Technical Specs ItemGarbage DisposalHP2Connection Drain2"Voltage208-230/460Overall Height18-7/16"Grinding Chamber Capacity111 oz.Commercial / ResidentialCommercialDisposer FeedContinuousFinishStainless SteelSound InsulationNoPhase3RPM1725Hz60Amps AC3.3/5.0/2.5Sink Opening Dia.6-5/8"


Posted in Rockford, IL, Household Items
From - 1 month ago