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Beautiful Smokey Cream Perlino Stallion - $8,500 - (Jeffersonville, KY)

Lightening is not only a proven stallion for color but an excellent well mannered trail horse He s got a few foals on the ground already and all are Buckskins or Palomino. He s very easy to handle on the ground and for breeding he would be fine for newer breeders. Lightening stands for mounting dismount, bathes, loads and stands for Farrier. He will ride out alone or in a big group and even ride behind a mare all day without acting like a stallion at all Plenty of videos to show this also and wait till you see his gait Super smooth four beat gait He would be perfect for someone who wants to trail ride and breed.

Beautiful Smokey Cream Perlino Stallion


Posted in Jeffersonville, KY, Animal and Pets
From Horse Clicks - 1 month ago