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Tales From The Crypt Pinball Machine - $3,650 - (Lincoln, NE)

A fantastic version of the classic 1993 Tales from the Crypt pinball game, serial number 101185. Everything works as I have replaced bumpers and motors as required over the years. This machine has been in my non-smoking basement man-cave since 1999 and has received loving care to keep it happy. It is simply time to find it a new home...maybe yours?! Includes original detailed manual, and the Tales from the Crypt Topper. Note there is no money catch mechanism inside although adding quarters does start the machine. I always have it set to free plays so no change required! Compared to other Tales from the Crypt Pinball Machines available ($4500 and up), this one is priced for quick sale! A great, fun game. Due to the size and weight, I cannot ship (local pickup only) or you can arrange to have it packed and shipped yourself. Please see my past auctions. I only sell items described accurately and in great condition. All defects are noted so you have full assurance of what you are purchasing. Thanks for your interest!

Tales From The Crypt Pinball Machine


Posted in Lincoln, NE, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago