Adopt Brewster a Red/Golden/Orange/Chestnut - with White Westie - N.A. - (Glenwood, GA)
***Brewster is scheduled to attend and will be available for adoption at our adoption event at Rosedale Mills, in Pennington, NJ, over the March 10-12 weekend.*** Brewster was found discarded along a stretch of road along with his mother (Lana) and another dog. Life wasn’t looking real nice for this then four month old pup as he was starving, scared and had a touch of demodex (hereditary) mange. He was also covered in ant bites. But since coming to SoCo, Brewster has been treated for his mange, received an update on all of his vaccines, wormed and been neutered. Brewster was given a Bravecto 3 mon Flea/Tick preventative and we suggest that he be kept on this preventative as it also aids in combating demodex mange.

From - 1 month ago