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China Peiping 1930's B/W RP Souvenir The Winter Palace & The Temple of Heaven - $99 - (Goldthwaite, TX)

China Peiping (Peking), 1930's b/w real photo souvenir, published by "Jung Chen Photographic Studio", "The Winter Palace Peiping", consist of complete set of 12 photos with original envelope, envelope measure size 4.60" (inch) x 3.00" (inch), each photo measure size approximate 4.00" (inch) x 2.50" (inch), all photos on back with Chinese and English explanations, rare with original envelope, please see pictures for details and ask questions, as only want a satisfied buyer! This offering is for two envelopes with black & white photos of the Winter Palace Peiping and the Temple Of Heaven Peiping. These were found at an estate sale. Each envelope was to originally have twelve photos of the Palace and the Temple for tourist to buy. However, each set is incomplete; only eight photos of the Winter Palace are marked with winter palace on the back; and only five photos of the Temple are marked on the back with Temple of Heaven. The other larger photos have markings that do not say Palace or Temple, and I am not familiar with the Peiking area and photos to be sure they are actually part of these two collections, as believe Jung Chen created other Peiking tourist collections. In addition there are several smaller photos that seem to be associated with WWII. All will be included. Please let me know if more pictures of the photos would be helpful. Am only listing to preserve some vintage history.

China Peiping 1930's B/W RP Souvenir The Winter Palace & The Temple of Heaven


Posted in Goldthwaite, TX, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago