9th Annual Sacred Sistahs, Inc. Shero Awards Recognition and Scholarship - N.A. - (Rancho Cucamonga, CA)
Please join us for our ninth Annual Sacred Sistahs, Inc. Shero Awards Recognitionand Scholarship Fundraiser Breakfast on Saturday, March 18, 2017, 9:30am-11:30am at Immanuel Praise Fellowship church. This year we will honor Cheryl Brown, Dr. Gloria Morrow, and Sister La'Nae Norwood and give scholarships to three young women who have completed our rites of passage program. The rites of passage program is designed to inspire, empower, build self-esteem, develop self-concept and affirmation, and to provide mentorship to young women through an ongoing process of nourishing and elevating the spirit, mind, and body. Topics include lessons on African American and African Women in history, health and well-being, perceptions of beauty, relationships, and valuing the body. Each session has a homework assignment and will require journaling and self-reflection.

From Eventful - 1 month ago