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Lionel Classic's Race Car Set "Beautiful!" Lionel 6-13803 Racing Automobile Set - $725 - (Toledo, OH)

Lionel's new "racing automobiles" presage the slot-car craze of the 1960s. Lionel introduces the Multi-Volt transformer and rheostat to control engine speed. DESCRIPTIONHere is the Lionel 6-13803 Racing Automobile Set. It is a remake/reissue of the #80 racing automobile set originally manufactured from 1912 to 1916. It comes equipped with a baked enamel finish, formed steel construction, powerful long life motors run on AC or DC current, rubber tires, 16 curved tracks, 4 straight tracks, molded driver and mechanic figures and a start/finish line. It is such an exciting set.

Lionel Classic's Race Car Set


Posted in Toledo, OH, Toys & Games
From ebay.com - 1 month ago