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Birdhouse Skateboard "The Beginning" Rare and Beautiful ACE - $70 - (Darien, GA)

8 X 32 A couple in love in 2009 or 2010 drove across the country because we had this board in the shop and that was their weddingpresent to each other. I never saw 2 people buy a board and be so happy and I wonder if they still have the board, or it was skated,or they cracked it and said The End. Maybe it's an anniversary, and they would like to get another one again for memories.Anyway, I wish them well wherever they are and hope everyone is as thrilled with The Beginning of something in the lives.Maybe you can buy this and let it inspire you and catch Tony Hawk to get it signed. Somebody's got to do it. Also First edition of LINE UP the life we ride....very nice read on excellent grade paper. High Class.

Birdhouse Skateboard


Posted in Darien, GA, Sporting Goods
From ebay.com - 1 month ago