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VERIZON UNLIMITED DATA LINES *PLEASE MESSAGE US BEFORE PURCHASING.*** We have many lines available and discounts given to for multiple lines purchased. UNDER BRAND NEW 2 YEAR CONTACTS On Sale are Verizon Wireless Loyalty Plans with Unlimited Data and the total cost is $44.99/month plus taxes.  I will gladly teach the BUYER the method to keep the line in contract to avoid the price hike.  Limit. The only way to get one of these plans now, is to get the line from someone that has one (as Verizon no longer sells unlimited data lines) that will let you take over the line through a process with Verizon Wireless called an Assumption of Liability. This line comes with: Loyalty Plan - In Contract $15.00 - 30 Talk minutes a month, No Texting $29.99 - Unlimited 4G LTE Data. (No Throttling) ______ $44.99 Total + Taxes per month WHY RENT AND PAY $150-$250 PER MONTH WHEN YOU CAN BUY FOR $400?!?!? This is the lowest priced unlimited data line you will find with Verizon. Most people put these lines in a Hotspot device so they can have internet on the go. You can also put it into a cellular version iPad and the iPad will give you free hotspot tethering.It isn't required that you already have an account with Verizon Wireless because either new or existing Verizon Wireless customers can assume this line into their account. The entire process takes about 15 minutes to complete once we get on the phone with Verizon's Assumption of Liability Department. I will walk the buyer through the process step by step to make sure they have no problems assuming this line into their account. We have done many AOL's in the last few months and have been 100% successful.  WE ALSO RENT LINES FOR $150 PER MONTH WITH NO CONTRACT. Please message (708) 374-8475 if you have any questions!



Posted in Orion, IL, Electronics
From ebay.com - 1 month ago