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Countertop Microwave Ovens Elite Platinum ETO-1231 Maxi-Matic 6-Slice Countertop - $144 - (Hollywood, FL)

' Thank you for visiting our ebay store! Countertop Microwave Ovens Elite Platinum ETO-1231 Maxi-Matic 6-Slice Countertop - Convection Oven offers broil, bake, toast, pizza, cookie and warm functions - 2 hour timer with auto shut-off and bell signal - Accommodates 6 slices of bread and even bake up to 12" pizzas - LCD digital display - Slide out grease and crumb tray for easy cleaning Countertop Microwave Ovens Elite Platinum ETO-1231 Maxi-Matic 6-Slice Countertop -->

Countertop Microwave Ovens Elite Platinum ETO-1231 Maxi-Matic 6-Slice Countertop


Posted in Hollywood, FL, Appliances
From - 1 month ago