Gorgeous Gypsy Cob filly - $7,500 - (Estacada, OR)
Located in Oregon Harriette is a adorable beautiful black and white Gypsy Cob filly born 4122016 She is going to be a very hairy girl..... 7500 Keeva x Galen Of The Owlish Fortress. Harriette is breathtaking and precious. Definitely has the desired wonderful head short back and lots of feather and mane. Everything about her is fancy fancy fancy ! My guess is she will grow to be a little over fourteen hands. She is a happy healthy foal. She has 1 partial blue eye. Hard to see in the images. Harriette comes from nice lines. Galen is a Thunder son and a Pride grandson. Keeva is a Baileys Cream daughter Romeo grandaughter. Winnie of Ireland is Keevas dam. Winnie is amazing. She is so gentle and only produces the best. Harriette Etty is weaned wormed feet trimmed and ready to go. Contact Debbi gypsycreekcarriageeventsgmail.com

From Equine Now - 1 month ago