Chimera Medium Video Pro Plus 1 Softbox 36x48" (90x120cm) - $325 - (Hesperia, MI)
The Chimera Medium Video Pro Plus 1 Softbox 36 x 48" (90 x 120 cm) is designed for use with a hotlight but may be used with flash as well. With fabric intended for the heat of a continuous light, the Medium Video Pro Plus 1 with silver interior is ideal for work in small spaces when medium softening of the light is desired.The 36 x 48 inch size is portable, lightweight, and can be taken on location. The "Plus 1" designation of this softbox means the front face of the softbox is removable. Chimera makes different strengths of diffusion material for front face applications. This softbox comes with a one stop diffuser, hence the "1" designation. Optional 1/2 and 1/4 grid cloths allow for more light transmission and also, less softening of the light.The Medium size is suitable for 3/4-length portraits or interviews.Recessed Front Face helps control light spill and facilitates the attachment of an optional fabric grid.Required Speed (mounting) Rings are available separately for many manufacturers' light heads.

From - 1 month ago