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fantastic FRIESIAN stallion - $2,010 - (Dayton, OH)

We proudly present you our fantastic stallion Tiele. Tiele is a real eye-catcher and he is already the favorite of the stable! With his pretty face and open eyes he will let many heart beats faster. Tiele has a very nice build and three expressive gaits, this makes him really suitable for dressage. But also his character is fantastic and very suitable for dressage. In the stable Tiele is a very friendly stallion who can be a little insecure, but under saddle he shows his confidence, he loves that all the eyes be on him! Tiele is well ridden and shows a lot of talent fort he higher levels. He has a soft mouth, loves to work without being spooky or to sensitive, Tiele loves to please his rider. Tiele has a nice walk, a powerful trot with elasticity and balance and a very nice uphill canter. Tiele is easy to ride, sits comfortable and is eager to learn. Tiele is that kind of horse who go through fire when he has an owner.


Posted in Dayton, OH, Animal and Pets
From equine - 1 month ago