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Quarter Horse Overo - $1,500 - (Newton, AL)

Rembrandt Tambora is a Quarter Horse X Haflinger. He is 13.1 HH and is 9 mnths old. He has been imprinted since birth. He is very sweet and obedient. He leads well yields to pressure releases at the poll when ask and backs with a rope wiggle. He is still young so he will test occasionally but he knows what he is supposed to do and does it most of the time. He loads well also. He would make a good show horse as he is very unique. Remmy is very playful and inquisitive. He likes to carry toys around and demonstrates a very high intellect. His sire is High Step N Banddit. Remmy was raised in a barn during construction and that was excellent desensitizing as he does not even flinch at loud noises. Haflinger mare is 14HH His sire is High Step N Banddit


Posted in Newton, AL, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago