Infinity: "Classic To Current: The Ultimate Rock Experience" - N.A. - (Dixon, IL)
"Classic To Current: The Ultimate Rock Experience"INFINITY has NO limits or boundaries. They have a following that makes them 1 of the top most successful cover bands in the nation's 3rd-largest metropolis. INFINITY continues to break attendance records wherever they perform. They light up the stage with their unique vocals and instrumentals of hits from Boston, Bon Jovi, Led Zeppelin, Styx, Queen, REO Speedwagon and of course their signature group...Journey. INFINITY covers everything from Classic to Current. INFINITY is known for their outgoing personalities and if you have ever seen them, you know exactly what to expect...if not, expect the be prepared, you might be singing along with them (and we guarantee you will), or a microphone may just appear before you. They maintain the ability to include the audience so you feel as if you are part of the show. A quote from the Lead Singer Bob, "this is not our show, it's yours".

From Eventful - 1 month ago