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Smart Reba Lena - $6,500 - (Weatherford, TX)

An all around APHA registered daughter of Color Me Smart an NCHA APHAs 1st 3 million dollar sire. This mare has done just about everything and has the documents to back it up. Bred and trained for cutting with a little tune up she could go right back to it. She ran three years on a high speed rodeo drill team parades grand entries carried a flag as well and has training in both barrels and poles as well as other playday patterns. She has plenty of show experience and has high point winnings with the Pinto Association. While she has had no formal training in it she has won or at least placed in pretty much every western pleasure class I have put her in at local shows. This mare has a lot of buttons and a lot of speed when asked. Neck reins side passes spins roll backs stops on a dime you name it and she can do it. I can ride and jump this mare completely tackless and she never misses a beat. Last owner won some checks on her ranch sortingpenning but I have never tried it with her.


Posted in Weatherford, TX, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago