OOAK small Santa in sleigh- Handsculpted Santa Claus- by Karen Vander Logt - $475 - (Kaukauna, WI)
NOW AVAILABLE PLEASE NOTE: I will be adding a wood base with snow effect under sleigh so may take a few extra days on shipping. any questions please feel free to email me. Thank you for looking! "Jingle all the Way" Santa is small, he's around 16" tall-if standing. Santa has painted eyes andis dressed in a red wool coat/pants trimmed in off white faux fur.He has cute little black suede boots and is seated in a vintagewicker sleigh. Scene also includes a string of jingle bells Santa holds in his hands,patriotic wooded heart. which can be removed.a snowy Christmas tree, smalltree and toy bag in sleigh. For Display only. this is not a toy https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2012-title16-vol2/pdf/CFR-2012-title16-vol2-sec1500-20.pdf KAREN VANDER LOGT ARTDOLLS One of a kind Santa's, Dolls and Collectibles ~ Seen with the HeartKaren's dolls, along with her sister Mary Bauman, have been featured in the 2004 Better Homes and Gardens Santa Collection book vol. 6. Karen's doll photos have also been in Doll Reader, Dolls magazine and Contemporary Doll Collector, and she has also been listed in Early American Life Magazine as one of this Country's top Artisans, listed in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Directory of Traditional American Crafts Holiday issue. Being listed in the Directory is an honor given only to a handful of artisans. This award singles out their work as the best now produced in America today. Karen has exhibited her dolls at the Hellman Gallery for the International Doll Art show- Chicago Illinois, IDEX Las Vegas. She has shipped dolls all over the United States and Internationally, including Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, Australia, United Kingdom and Greece. Dolls sell primarily from her website, shows and e-bay; she is gaining a long list of collectors. Karen's goal in creating Art dolls is that they not only be seen with theeye of the viewer, but also "Seen with the heart". Thank you for taking time to look. .please feel free to write me with any questions. Karen

From ebay.com - 1 month ago