Giant Indoor Garage Sale April 1st - N.A. - (Rome, NY)
Two weeks away from the 1st Copper City Sell Off Giant Indoor Garage Sale. Vendor Space is still available, hurry. April 1st at the Kennedy Arena. 65 Vendor spaces available. We have people selling partial estates, garage sale stuff, antiques, coins/stamps, Scentsy, homemade jewelry, Norwex, a few crafters, soaps, a traveling museum of curiosities and more. Definitely looking for more garage sale, antiques and collectibles dealers - especially for our June show. We are working on getting the Masonic Child ID program there, a free program for parents. The Rome Historical Society will be there selling local history books and signing up new members. We want to make this huge. If you want to sell, we want you there, don't hesitate in a fully enclosed building with plenty of parking. 12x12 or 10x14 feet spaces available at $35, to fill and sell as you wish. No hidden fees or charges. It would cost you over $50 to advertise your own garage sale in the newspaper... Act now I've sent out over 75 emails and physical contracts, they are coming in slowly but spaces are only saved once they are paid for, don't get left out... I have to clarify things I am seeing all over facebook, I am not affiliated with or doing this in conjunction with the City of Rome or any other Organization, I am an independent event host. I have been involved in the antiques and collectibles world for over 20 years, I am dealer friendly, I know the game - if you succeed then I succeed! This is the first of several - other tentative dates include - May 13th, June 3rd and July 15th. More information is available on the below link, as well as the option to pay immediately using paypal. Checks or Money Orders can be mailed in.

From Classified Ads - 1 month ago