PS4 Call of Duty Infinite Warfare: Legacy Pro. Season Pass,Terminal,Supply drops - $70 - (Glenwood, IA)
UP FOR SALE: Call of Duty Infinite Warfare LEGACY PRO Edition for the playstation 4. INCLUDED: collectors edition steel case & cover, manual, Infinite Warfare Game/Disc, Season Pass Code BRAND NEW, Terminal Download code BRAND NEW, 5 Supply Drop code BRAND NEW. Call of duty 4 remastered code was the only one used. FLAWLESS LIKE NEW Please ask any questions you may have PRIOR to purchase. SHIPS TO US ONLYPAYPAL ONLY Item will ship within 2 business days, after payment is received! Thanks for looking! (PLEASE READ ---> We are striving to rebuild our feedback score. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the transaction, please contact us prior to leaving a negative review so we can quickly resolve any issue as fast as possible.)

From - 1 month ago