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Green Ronin d20 RPG Egyptian Adventures - Hamunaptra Campaign Box Set - $30 - (Homerville, GA)

Green Ronin d20 RPG Egyptian Adventures - Hamunaptra Campaign Box Set. New. Note: The shrink wrap has an opening in it. Ancient Lands of Mystery! This box set contains an Egyptian Campaign setting with all the goodness from Monte Cook. 3 Source books contained herein describe Egypt and it's culture. 1 beautiful map for your use. Unique races from Egypt Legend  Core classis specific to the culture of Egypt New feats New Spells and new Domains Advise on campaign seeds for running adventures in Egypt The secret societies of Egypt Egyptian prestige classes, deadly foes and dozens of new magic items. Requires the use of the 3rd edition D&D handbook.

Green Ronin d20 RPG Egyptian Adventures - Hamunaptra Campaign Box Set


Posted in Homerville, GA, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago